Monday, May 24, 2010

Summer is here

I just got back from South Carolina, watching my Nephew Michael graduating from USMC. Everyone there joked how we needed Boot camp to drop the pounds. Of course all of the fellow binge eaters. Michael worked hard and focused on a goal. His end result was a lean fit body. But I don't think that was his actually goal. Being a Marine was. Amazing, How if you are focused all kinds of wonderful things happen.
Semper Fi Michael and good luck on your goals and miltiary career.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Today is different

I am struggling with my eating disorder and it is comsuming my life right now. The more I ignore it the more it controls me. I simply can't stand this addication. Why would I ever allow something to control me like this??
The unhappiness sometimes is unbareable.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Reviewing my standards

Today it is absolutely beautiful outside and the weather is suppose to be in the 80's. Well it's time to start thinking about summer. Oh no. This time of year always worries me. I am never at my goal of looking good in my clothes. What my goal really needs to be is controling my eating and the rest will follow. In three weeks I am driving down to South Carolina to see my nephew graduate from boot camp. Did I mention that I am going with my follow binge eater!!! Please grant me the strength to control myself. AMEN. We must team up together to make it work. When in the hell am I ever going to be cured.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter is over

Holidays pose a threat for binge eaters, especially food driven events. Time to threw out the chocolate bunnies and get ready for summer.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Family Tree Mysteries

How exciting it is to discover the adventure of your family tree. I have also discovered what lays  beyond my family tree. When my journey began last year, I never talked about food. It was a secret that could never comfortably be revealed. Once I was exposed ( for a lack of a better word), I discovered that my family also struggled with food and the disorders asscociated with it. Could food addications be passed down, just like Blue eyes, ADD, and Club foot. Is it genetic or learned? If it isn't genetic, how the hell do so many in my family have this disorder! What is the true link to eating disorders? Oh my I could go on for ever.

New goals for 2010

This year I have lost sight of my orginal goal of taking control over my eating disorder. With my changes at work, selling and buying a new home. Children moving back home, working fulltime and having two parttime jobs, that I really don't want to give up. It;s been tough. Well, last night, I started a video journal of my new journey to recovering from food. I will start posting them as soon as possible.
It;s time to get back on track.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Years.....

Now that the New Year is here, what to do. Resolutions, predications, forecasts, doing the right thing. Yeah right.