Friday, April 30, 2010

Reviewing my standards

Today it is absolutely beautiful outside and the weather is suppose to be in the 80's. Well it's time to start thinking about summer. Oh no. This time of year always worries me. I am never at my goal of looking good in my clothes. What my goal really needs to be is controling my eating and the rest will follow. In three weeks I am driving down to South Carolina to see my nephew graduate from boot camp. Did I mention that I am going with my follow binge eater!!! Please grant me the strength to control myself. AMEN. We must team up together to make it work. When in the hell am I ever going to be cured.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter is over

Holidays pose a threat for binge eaters, especially food driven events. Time to threw out the chocolate bunnies and get ready for summer.